Effective Email Marketing – Strategy 8

Tell Your Readers What To Do

If you go to the effort of writing an ezine, do not forget to tell you readers what you want them to do next. You are writing in order to build a relationship. So, do you want them to go to your website to read the rest of the articles, or download something for free? Do you want them to purchase a product or service? If so, give them a reason to do it now rather than later, and provide a link to click, so they can buy it now. If you do not tell them what to do next, they will not do anything apart from read your ezine and delete it. Tell them what to do, and, provided that they are interested, they will do it.

Click here for more tips: https://my-virtualassistant.co.uk/my-virtual-assistant-news/hints-and-tips-ezine-archive/articles/top-ezine-housekeeping-rules/



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