Is Your Web Site Current?

You know how it is, you spend a small fortune and a large amount of effort getting your web site up and running only for the information to become obsolete faster than you can say ‘the web site needs updating’. So you go back to the original designer who wants another small fortune for updating a few lines of text and the odd graphic, or as often happens, the designer is far too busy working on larger and more profitable projects to be concerned with making yours a priority, or worst of all, the designer has disappeared never to be seen again…

Updating your web site is actually quite straight forward, with a piece of software and your login details, your web site can be updated in minutes without any input from designers which mean that you can have up-to-date information available at all times. Now doesn’t that sound easier?

At My Virtual Assistant, we provide a Web Site Updating and Maintenance service that means you can give your web site a one-off overhaul to bring it up to date and then if appropriate let us update it regularly with new content so that your latest information is always available to your clients and prospects.

For detailed information about the latest pricing, services and packages available, please download our virtual assistant information pack.



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