Do you ever forget birthdays or anniversaries or leave it far to late to purchase an appropriate gift? Ever miss the school play or sports day because you’ve double booked it with a work event you cant extricate yourself from so late in the day. Do you find yourself dashing from one end of town to the other to get to your next appointment, only to charge back to where you started from to get to the next one?
Do you think you might need to review how you handle your diary?
Do away with multiple calendars and dairies and use one diary for everything including business and personal appointments, birthdays, etc. An electronic diary works best because your virtual assistant can also update it so it is always current. You can access an electronic diary with any computer or if you are out and about using your mobile phone.
Why not give your virtual assistant instructions to alert you of any up coming birthdays or anniversaries so you have plenty of time to find an appropriate gift, or better still, let your virtual assistant research and purchase the perfect gift on your behalf and have it wrapped and delivered for you. Why not ask them to schedule your appointments for you so they can be effectively managed to save you time, stress and travel costs. While they are managing your diary, why not also ask you VA to arrange all the associated travel arrangements and hotel and restaurant bookings?
Now wouldn’t that make you feel a little less stressed and a lot more organised?
For more information about our services and how we can help you, don’t waste any more time, contact My Virtual Assistant today.
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“Hints and Tips provided by Justine Curtis of”