Are You A Bit of a Talker? – Teleclass Set Up Support

Are you one of those people who has a huge amount of information to give about your particular area of interest, and could talk and talk endlessly and passionately about your subject? Have you ever thought about imparting that knowledge through a tele-class or tele-seminar?

Running a tele-class or tele-seminar is a great way to leverage your time as you are instantly talking one to many, instead of one to one. You can impart your knowledge to large groups of people all over the world and all from the comfort of your own office. All your listeners need to do is dial in to listen to you from their own homes or offices without all the hassle or additional costs of travelling to a venue, hotel bills, child care arrangements, etc.

At My Virtual Assistant, we provide a Teleclass Set Up service that includes the set up an email template so you can alert your existing mailing list, a mini web site including a sales/registration page and a thank you page to thank them for signing up. We will also set up payment processing through PayPal or your existing shopping cart, email the attendees the call dial-in details, set up the conference call* and record it, upload the recording of the call and send all participants a link to the recording once the call has taken place.

For detailed information about the latest pricing, services and packages available, please complete the “Information Pack” form on the right and we will send you a link to download our latest information pack.

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