Information Pack Download

Please check your email inbox for a link to download your Information Pack. If it is not there, please check your junk mail folder or spam filter.
If you still can’t find it please email us at

For further information about our services and how we can help you, please email or give us a call on 0844 357 1409.

A polite notice to other virtual assistants
Whilst we appreciate that you may be on a fact finding mission and are downloading this information as you wish to learn from a company with vast experience of the virtual assistant industry, please note that all the contents are protected by copyright and any infringement will be prosecuted.

If you are interested in setting up your own branch of My Virtual Assistant, we are currently recruiting a team of licensees. For more information please visit:

If you are looking to set up a solo business, without the support of a franchise system, visit: where you will find many documents which are free from copyright that you can adapt for you own use.

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